Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Welcome to day 1 of my new blog 'The Apostolic Woman'.
(You can also locate it through the url www.theapostolicwoman.com)

I will be writing in regard to a variety of subjects from the perspective of which I know best, an apostolic woman.

Topics to include everything from family, and children, recipes, scripture, studying the bible, how living for God should direct and motivate us through the cares of this world, politics, outreach and even decorating our homes. Insights and Understanding I have gained from my experience as a mother, grandmother, sister, friend, and daughter of the Lord Most High.

Perhaps I'll answer questions that have concerned you too, or maybe we'll just share our thoughts on how to be better children of God and to help one another on this journey to the home beyond.
So scripture for today.

The God of all grace will perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish you.
I Peter 5:10